The project on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of the Benedictines’ arrival in Moravia and 50th anniversary of the beginning of the communist devastation |
was organized under the auspices of the President Václav Havel’s Office and Petr Pithart, chairman of the Senate of the Czech Republic.
october 1, - november 30, 1998 |
The Rajhrad project was organised by K2001 - the Association for Culture and Dialogue - and the Benedictine monastery in Rajhrad, with the cooperation of the City of Brno, the gracious help of the Museum of the Third Resistance, “They were the first” Committee and the Archives of the Ministry of the Interior.
In the framework of the project an exposition showing the devastation of the cultural and spiritual values by the communist regime in Czechoslovakia was held in the monastery. Publication of an extensive book about the project’s theme and documentary films produced by the Czech Television were also part of the project.